$20.00 per case or $125.00 for UNLIMITED dispute resolution services for the season!
$20.00 per case or $125.00 for UNLIMITED dispute resolution services for the season!
Is my fantasy league bound by Fantasy Judgment’s decision?
Your league’s commissioner ultimately has the final authority on your issue. However, it is recommended that your league’s constitution be amended to include a provision for dispute submission to Fantasy Judgment. This will alleviate the pressure on your commissioner to resolve every issue and remove any purported impropriety on his/her behalf. Additionally, it is recommended that an additional fee be included for each league member to contribute to the cost for Fantasy Judgment's services.
Does Fantasy Judgment respect my privacy?
We do! We only require valid email addresses so that decisions can be sent to you. Plus, your payment information is private and secure with PayPal.
What if I do not agree with the Court’s decision?
The short answer is: too bad. By its very nature, a dispute contains differing opinions on a particular issue. As a result, one side will likely not agree with the decision rendered. However, the Court’s decision should be considered final. While we cannot guarantee the absolute correct decision subjectively for all parties, we can guarantee that your issue will be decided expeditiously and neutrally. There is no appealing the Court's decision.
What information or data should be provided in a case submission?
To help facilitate the most detailed and analytical decision, you should provide as much information as possible. This includes citations to your league’s rules, scoring system, league structure, rosters, contracts/salaries for keeper leagues, and anything else relevant that will assist us in rendering a decision. You should also include persuasive arguments, background, and precedent in further support of your position. Once the dispute is submitted, the Respondent has the opportunity to reply. After that, the information is provided to the judges for a decision.
What are some examples of disputes or issues that arise in fantasy leagues?
Most fantasy sports league disputes arise from alleged unfair trades. Other examples of issues are: enforcement of a league’s rules, timing of transactions entered, adjustment of retroactive statistics, position eligibility, scoring errors, financial or monetary disputes, and improper roster moves. There could be a myriad of other issues that arise, but this list represents the most common cases submitted to the Court.
How does the Court reach its decision on a case?
Each issue or dispute is analyzed on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the information provided by the Appellant and Respondent, the Court will weigh all factors involved, including the rules of each league and the persuasiveness of the arguments made. After considering these factors, the Court will consider its own fantasy sports experience and render a decision that is the fairest given the information provided and available.
How much does it cost to utilize Fantasy Judgment’s services?
There is a charge of only $20.00 per dispute submitted. We also offer a season package of $125.00 for unlimited disputes submitted.
How quickly will a decision be made after a case is submitted?
The Court guarantees a decision will be rendered within 24 hours of the final submission of arguments by any of the parties involved. If a decision is not rendered after 24 hours from the last submission, please contact michael.stein@fantasyjudgment.com and your payment will be refunded through PayPal.